Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Countdown of New Year

Christmas Day has just passed and New Year is coming around the corner. On Christmas Day that day I have accepted my colleague invitation to the church to see how the Christmas is being celebrate here. Now I and my friends already plan to go to Marina Bay that area to see fire crackers and countdown for the new year. I heard that there will be a lot of people will be going over there to celebrate New Year. Besides that, there are also a few places holding up some countdown events for New Year. A brand new year will coming and I hope this new year will bring luck to me.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009



Sunday, December 6, 2009


前几天是妈妈的生日。虽然她年纪又增加了,但是我知道我们也一样。而且我们在妈妈心目中永远都是长不大的小孩。希望妈妈身体健康快快乐乐生活愉快。昨天和家人还有朋友到Sentosa去玩。真的很好。而且玩了很多东西。我记得做那个Fish Spa的时候蛮有趣的。开始那些鱼咬我的脚的时候真的很痒,但是慢慢就蛮舒服的。除了这个我还拿着一条蛇来拍照呢。希望下次可以再去玩过啦。