Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Back to Hometown / 回家乡

Tomorrow I'll be going back to hometown at night and will reach there early in the morning. I really miss my hometown.When Im back there, I can eat my mum's cooking. Her cook is delicious. Last time when Im still live in hometown I use to go out, not always eat my mum's cooking.But when I left my hometown to work, then only I know the best food that delicious is my mum's cooking. Besides that, I can meet up my friends that use to ask me when Im gonna back to hometown. This time also a break for me to rest. Have a happy holiday!


Saturday, April 25, 2009

新朋友 / New Friends


Today I get to know some new friends. They are nice people. At first we are just stranger to either of us but now we became friend.From stranger became friend is a faith that god give to us. This life we are friend but next life will it be the same, no one will know about it and that's why we need to treasure it. Besides family and myself, friends are very important to me. Whether Im sad or happy they will always be there for me and I will also be there for them when they need me too. I hope the friendship between I and all my friends will last forever and ever.

Friday, April 17, 2009


明天就是我的好姐妹生日。在这里祝她生日快乐。希望她美梦成真。月尾我就会回家乡,不知道会不会安排到时间和她见面吗。我们最后一次见面就是在过年的时候。其实我们现在各忙各的,很少联络。有时候只是转转短信而已。在怎么说我的好姐妹有大一岁了。记得啊,不要再那么脆弱啦。坚强点,不要老是都给人家欺负到哦。Mieu Chen, Happy Birthday to You! May All Your Dream Come True!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


四月十四黑色情人节。什么是黑色情人节?那是给单身的朋友的节日。韩国的单身朋友都会庆祝。现在的我是单身。朋友们都很关心我几时会找到男朋友因为已经不小了。不过我还是坚持要找到对的那个。现在的我希望能够遇到一个能和我思谁帐流的伴侣。其实现在的我渴望爱情又怕受伤害。我相信能让我放下对爱情的害怕那个人会是我的Mr Right。我相信这一天一定会到来的。相心爱清的人会幸福。我相信我会幸福。加油!加油!加油!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool!

Today is April Fool.It had been very long time no celebrate since I left the school.I still remember that all my schoolmates used to make fool during this day.As I was in a all girls school, the fool that use to make is that we will said why your skirt behind is red.Some of us will really look back our skirt.That time really happy as we only just concentrate on our study and exam no need to think so much.Another fool that we like to make is bring a fake insects and put on our classmates shoulder to frighten her.But time won't turn back to that time.Only memory will bring us back to that time.I hope when you still can make fool with your friends on this special go ahead cos there's will be sometimes you will busy till forget about this funny day.Hope all people happy.